Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Exchange Stitching And Coca Cola Santa Update
Well I finally finished my exchange stitching, I am really pleased with the results on these. I can post these pictures because these ladies have not got a clue that they're getting anything:0) Also I did get to stitch a little on my Coca Cola Santa too. So here are all the pictures of my latest:0) I am also getting ready to do a SAL Better Homes & Gardens Stockings. Also I have to decide what I am going to work on next for my friend that I stitch for all the time. I have plenty to choose from that is for sure.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Exchange Ornament & Ramblings
Hello Everyone, Getting closer to Christmas now and of course I still have a lot of things I would like to do but know that it will never get done. It sort of reminds me of the movie " Christmas Vacation" And the Dad is trying to make everything perfect and his Wife tells him, you always build up in your mind what the perfect Christmas is and of course no one can get there. So might just as well relax and go with the flow.
The ornament that I did was for one of my yahoo group exchanges it's in its new home so can now post a picture of it. The big thing is I finished it myself and that is a feat for me to do. I am just not to good at it. Could be like I said setting up high expectations again?? LOL I will say I was pleased with the way it came out though. It is a Prairie Schooler ornament from the Santa & Snowman leaflet.
The ornament that I did was for one of my yahoo group exchanges it's in its new home so can now post a picture of it. The big thing is I finished it myself and that is a feat for me to do. I am just not to good at it. Could be like I said setting up high expectations again?? LOL I will say I was pleased with the way it came out though. It is a Prairie Schooler ornament from the Santa & Snowman leaflet.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Hello Everyone, I know that it has been a long time since I have updated my blog. I have been busy stitching my little heart out and also I have been having computer problems. I have so many pictures that my hardrive is almost full!! I was going to move what I have onto a DVD but.............Easier said than done, HP computers have compatibility issues with certain DVD brands other than their own and Sony:0) Makes me mad but what can I do about it??
Well back to the stitching I have finished 2 small pieces but those 2 are for exchanges so as soon as they're in their new home I will post pictures of them. I have finished my Nephews Wedding Sampler. It's a Cedar Hill chart called "Faith, Hope, Love and The Greatest Of These Is Love". I added their names and date of the wedding to it. I am going to see if I can find some charms to put on either side of the names.
Well back to the stitching I have finished 2 small pieces but those 2 are for exchanges so as soon as they're in their new home I will post pictures of them. I have finished my Nephews Wedding Sampler. It's a Cedar Hill chart called "Faith, Hope, Love and The Greatest Of These Is Love". I added their names and date of the wedding to it. I am going to see if I can find some charms to put on either side of the names.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Coca Cola Santa
Hello Everyone well I am finally doing an update of my Santa. I scanned it because I had to rob the batteries from my camera for my mouse. The bad part is this scanner is new to me and I am having problems getting quality scans from it. I will get batteries next week so I can take pictures again. I will say that I was thinking it wasn't looking like much stitching wise until I saw the picture and now I can see the shape of Santa's hat. It took me long enough to get this far that is for sure.
Also I have been having blog problems and can't use the really nice backgrounds. Hope I can get this resolved soon.
Also I have been having blog problems and can't use the really nice backgrounds. Hope I can get this resolved soon.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Stitching Hell
Hello Everyone I have been in stitching hell the last few days. I had to rip the sky out on Hair Raising Halloween, I kept thinking it didn't look right. I ripped form 10pm Sunday evening until 2am Monday. I couldn't sleep so I ripped..... Then on Monday I thought well I'll put in the right color in the sky now. Well guess what??? I didn't have the right floss Gurrrrrrrrr So I thought well then until I get my floss I'll go back to the Coco-Cola Santa because I had gotten the floss that I ordered....... I forgot one skein of floss........ and it was the area that I was starting in and I really had to have it to get started. So now I have decided until I get my floss I will start "Forrest Snowfall" by County Cottage Needlework's. At least that one I know I have all the floss, anyway lets hope so. I'm planning on taking my Prairie Schooler Windows Sampler to get it framed today. I just hope I can find what I want for it.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Started A Halloween Chart
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
It's Done!!!!
I finally finished my latest stitching project, Prairie Schooler November Window Sampler. It took me a little longer than I thought it would, but then I have been doing all sorts of other things. I had to make 2 dozen corn muffins for DH to take to work because they were having ham and beans and I was volunteered for the muffins:0) also this past week I have made chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter cookies plus blueberry muffins and bread. So lots of baking in between stitches:0) Sorry about the picture with the q-snap but didn't have a better way to do it. I tried scanning the picture but it was blurred so decided to take my non photo taking skills and see what I could come up with. It does look a little better.
My next project is going to be a Coca Cola Santa by Pegasus. DH picked this chart out 2 years ago, so I guess it's time to get going on it, never know maybe I can have it finished by Christmas.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Little House Needleworks Heart Of America
I have finally taken a picture of this finish. I have to give it to my friend Karen tomorrow. I stitch for her all the time. I may have to do this one a second time for myself:0) If you click on the image you can really get a better look at it. As you can see I don't use my camera much. I mostly scan my projects but this one was too large for the scanner.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Second Update

Here is my second update for my November sampler. Today it's pouring rain and cold too, so more like November than October. Don't the little trees across the top remind you of a cold November day? I really like the way this is coming out. At first I thought I may have chosen to stitch it on the wrong color of fabic but now as I stitch I think it really brings out the colors of the floss.
Monday, October 5, 2009
First Stitches For October

Hello Everyone, Well here it is October, it was cool enough that all day this past Sunday we had to have a fire. We heat with wood, really smelled good too and very nice and comfy sitting and stitching by the fire.
I really should be doing a little more cleaning as we're having company this next weekend. But I did get the bathroom done, at least that. Here are my first few stitches for October. It's another Prairie Schooler from book #149 November this is the smaller one of the 2 samplers, called Windows, I'm stitching it on 28 count Mushroom Lugana, I plan to do both samplers, but decided to start small. Glad I did because I took that little tree out in the left hand corner numerous times. The bad part being I kept making the same mistake. But fixed it this morning at 3am.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
It's Done!!

Here it is September 30 Birdsong is done!! It should have been finished on This past Sunday, but a frog came for a visit although he was an uninvited guest. Now I have to decide what to work on next. This is the part I hate because I have so much I want to do. I have ordered a chart today and will post pictures of it when I get it. I would really like to start it. But then I will have to wait and I don't know if i can stand the wait :0)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Another Update

Well here I am again today, September 25, 2009 with another update. Yesterday was pouring rain here and what I had to do was outside. Soooooooooo I had an excuse to stitch ALL DAY LONG!!! and that is exactly what I did!! Today is supposed to be another rainy day, but I don't think I can manage another whole day of stitching. LOL here is my latest scan.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wow Started This Blog Last Year 2008!!!

Hey well it has taken me a year to add something but I am going to try and do better. I have been busy stitching. My latest is a Prairie Schooler called Birdsong 1 I am going slowly the last couple of days so I haven't done a new scan yet. Maybe tomorrow, it's raining here so not much to do other than clean or stitch. I will clean my kitchen counter off today and then it will be on to stitching! YES
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