Sunday, April 10, 2011

Way Too Long Since My Last Post

Wow my last post was wayyyyyyy back in February, I have been stitching slowly but surely on this sampler and it's finally done.  We have been dealing with kidney stones again poor DH has loads of them he is supposed to have lithotrypsy surgery again in May.  I think now we're up to his 7th one since 2000,he always produces lots of stones, him just have one nooooooooo we have at least 13 in his right kidney and not sure how many in the left.  Well guess I'll just make sure I take some stitching with me for the day of his surgery:)  I have now started stitching another Prairie Schooler chart from the Friends leaflet.  Nothing really to show right now just they and a beak of a bird:)  Well hopefully it won't be so long between posts the next time.


GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Kidney stones are nothing to fool with. They are horrible.

Is there some medication that they can give him to help prevent them. They offered me some... although, it may be for only stones made of certain things....

Tell him to stay away from apple and grape juice! Those help produce kidney stones.

Kay said...

Mary, this finish is so beautiful! I did not know Robert was having more issues again with the stones, it does sound like it is quite a burden to keep dealing with.

Petites xxx et Cie said...

It's just perfect, I love it!
Hope your DH will go well as soon as possible.

Unknown said...

Beautiful finish and I hope your DH gets better soon.

Nancy in IL said...

Mary Louise, I know how bad kidney stones can be as my DH also suffered with them so badly before the surgery several years ago. Now all is fine, thank goodness!

Your newest finish is just beautiful - our likes are so alike, LOL! I love it!

Good to hear from you...

Milly~ said...

Nice job Mary! I love this piece.

Siobhán said...

Lovely stitching!

I'm sorry to hear about your DH's kindey stones. Yikes. My brother suffers from them, too.

Villa-loredana said...

Hello dear Mary, sorry to read about your DH, hope that it will be the last stones he had produced. Well , I'm ok, except waiting the results of CT of the brain, as from time to time I have crisis and all come black in front of my eyes. tomorow I will have it. Well this night by us was a bit thunder storm, and rain, in mountain snow, today the temp. is 12 degress celzius, after days before about 20 an 22. On the feld of hand made I'm changing evry second day, knitting, crochet, cross stitich and sewing, so I have works in progress, but at least I have no long time, and all is going quicker.
Have a nice time, and don't miss for a long time. Your new cross stitich works is really amazing. Regards from Loredana, Croatia.

chrisstitches said...

Love the Home & theme! Fantastic

Sue said...

I have this pattern! Yours looks fantastic; I will have to get busy I suppose! LOL

Joy said...

Lovely finish!! Sending well wishes to you and your DH. I soo hope that things turn out for the better & you both are feeling well soon.

Robin said...

Could someone post the name or designer of this beauty??